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How do I cancel my service with Haulla?

Terminating your service with Haulla before the end of your contract could result in early termination fees

Terminating your service with Haulla before the end of your contract could result in early termination fees that vary based on your location and service.


To terminate your Haulla service, please follow these steps:

  1. Contact the Haulla Support team either by email at support@haulla.com or via chatbot.
  2. Submit a request
  3. Haulla Support team will reach out to you and provide a detailed guide on how to complete the service termination process.
  4. Once you receive the early termination charges from Haulla's Billing Department and make the payment, you can consider your service successfully terminated.


Please note that your account will not be fully terminated until you pay the early termination fees charged by Haulla. This means you will continue to receive your monthly bill as usual until you have made the termination payment.


These are the fees that Haulla charges for the early termination:

  1. Outstanding balance
  2. Haulla Service Liquidated damages (Monthly rate * 6)
  3. Any Liquidated damage fees paid by Haulla
  4. Dumpster Removal Fees